I know what you must be thinking, because I implanted the thought in your mind. A man with two blogs? He must be some sort of millionaire! No, I'm just a regular guy. Sure, I'm more charming, athletic, handsomer and smarter than most (including you), but the internet is such that anyone can actually have more than 1 blog. More than 1 reader is the usual struggle.This blog is now my photography outlet. I hope to post new photos at least once a week and share my visions with you, oh wide and worldly web. This blog will show a more serious side, a whimsical side and the sublime beauty found in the everyday, as I see it. If you need a laugh, All Terrain Beef Vehicle isn't going anywhere and will continue to provide top-notch humor for all your entertainment needs. Welcome to my sight*; I hope you enjoy the vision.*Bad pun intended